6 Ways to Prevent Global Hunger From Getting Worse

Of course, this is not a problem that is solved overnight. But global hunger is a threat to humanity, and we must work hard to prevent it from getting worse every year.

Below are six things we can improve each year to reduce the number of individuals missing proper nourishment.


1. Innovative And Climate Ready Agriculture


There are 795 million hungry people nowadays. The predictions are that there will be an additional 2 billion of them by 2050.

One of the six ways to battle worldwide starvation we want to mention is bringing innovations in agriculture. We know that most people starve in countries that have extraordinary temperatures, surge occasions, and dry spells.

There’s nothing we can do to change to land with a less-predictable climate. However, climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices, which include low-water sack gardens and diversifying crop varieties, should be practiced more.


2. Responding to Refugees and Forced Migration

Global hunger is a huge problem, and it affects migrants the most. The countries with the most forced migration or uprooting due to struggle and violence are the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2.2 million), the Syrian Arab Republic (1.8 million), Ethiopia (1.7 million), Mozambique (592,000), and Burkina Faso (515,000).


Government programs and policies such as SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC), and the school lunch program play a vital part in finishing worldwide hunger.


To prevent the problem from spreading more, support local farmers and markets. Vote smarter for those who care about the Zero Hunger Challenge. Apart from the government, Concern has programs too. They have been instructing Lebanese ladies to create staples like cheese and yoghurt and offer them at the market.


Concern states that over 500 million individuals are confronting starvation in strife zones over the world nowadays. By donating money to foundations like the ones we mentioned, you can help families end hunger wherever you are.


3. Acknowledging Gender Equality


The fact is that women have fewer opportunities for higher education. They also have less political representation and economic participation than men. Many companies are clear about the fact that women cannot work in certain positions.


Equality for women has a lot of potential in ending the crisis of global hunger. We could reduce the number of hungry people by up to 150 million if we give women equal access to agricultural resources.

It may increase agrarian generation in developing countries. In developed countries, many women already work in agriculture. However, they work for a minimum wage or as a seasonal job. But if we give women equal access to resources we gave to men, this could increase production on farms by up to 30%.


In terms of statistics, more women than men die of hunger in the world. Therefore, education on nutrition ​​and care for women’s health is very important. Women are fragile after childbirth and during pregnancy, just like their children. Keep that in mind!


4. Minimize and Reduce Food Waste


People squander over 1.3 billion tons of food day by day. The number of hungry people is one in every nine people currently. Remember the Zero Hunger challenge? The predictions are that zero hunger is to be achieved by 2030. Can we do this?


If you want to contribute to solving this problem from today, then start with reducing food waste. Plan your family’s meals, and don’t buy food randomly. Choose fruits and vegetables that look older. Eat leftovers and support local food producers.


One of the nice things you can do today to get in the way of a problem is to donate a meal or set aside the money you didn’t use for a planned purchase today and send it to a family in need.


Keep in mind that when you waste food, you waste other resources like water too. Factories use water to produce food. Three billion tons of greenhouse gases are emitted because of food waste each year.

Close-up Of A Person Throwing The Leftover Pasta Into The Trash Bin

5. Engage and Invest in Disaster Risk Programs


We should invest in programs that reduce the risk of disasters in vulnerable communities. That will help mitigate potential losses after disasters. Whether the disaster was caused by climatic conditions or by people, it can lead to terrible losses.


Although people in endangered countries are engaged in agriculture, that is not enough for any family, let alone as a condition for ending global hunger. That is why it is important to help them implement homestead protection and the protection of the animals they raise.


The Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Programme stands for helping people by providing services, assistance, and education on protecting their property from natural calamities.


These services warn of impending disasters and thus leave room for preparedness. They also provide a risk assessment. They help people prevent a disaster by giving information or recover if a disaster has occurred.



6. Giving Attention to Hygiene and Sanitation


Let’s say people have enough food. Does that mean we have beaten the global catastrophe then? Well, no. If we don’t educate people on hygiene, a huge problem might appear.


People who live in an environment that is insufficiently sanitized and at the same time do not have the necessary stuff for daily hygiene still continue to die. It is not unknown that germs spread in such places.


Some illnesses prevent them from absorbing nutrients. Thus, hygiene prevents diseases and preserves health. Good hygiene reduces the occurrence of diarrhea in children. And that’s important to keep the nutrients ingested through food.


Developing countries face a high risk of various diseases. They struggle with constant water shortages, and hygiene is reduced to a minimum.


In order to raise awareness of hygiene, we should advocate for equal access to hygiene needs, advocate for political commitment, promote gender equality, and increase youth participation.


The biggest focus must be on children. Children get dirty and don’t think much about hygiene. We need to prepare future generations on personal hygiene, water hygiene, food hygiene, and waste handling hygiene. Whether in a group or individually, they must protect themselves.